Dental Crowns

Dental care is vital in enhancing oral health and giving you an attractive crown Smile Design Dental Los Angeles offers various treatment options to help you achieve better dental health. Besides dental crowns and veneers, the clinic offers a wide range of services to enhance quality care for patients and families. The clinic has a wide team of professionals who help to restore your smile and enhance your confidence using the newest technologies and best techniques.

Let’s look at the dental services Smile Design Los Angeles offers:

Dental Crowns

Tooth decay is a common oral issue that usually affects your teeth. This oral issue may affect your teeth, resulting in cavities or other serious complications. Dental experts recommend dental crowns as a perfect solution for the problem. Experts at Smile Design Los Angeles use the latest technologies and techniques for dental crown procedures. The procedure will help restore your teeth from severe decay or damage.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a custom-made, permanent restoration. They look like a hollow, tooth-shaped “cap”, which is placed over a prepared natural tooth.

When cemented into place, crowns completely cover the entire visible portion of the tooth that lies at and above the gum line.